Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kettlebell 300

Allergies !!!! $#%###

Trying to stay healthy -- 45 minutes of Z-Health training before class.

Did most of the Kettlebell 300 workout #3 with the class. Lots of squats, pushups, presses, swings. Finished with the 50-thingy (using the 53lb KB) and ab work.

1 comment:

Ashley Benson said...

Hello Jay,
I'm a trainer/pilates instructor/blogger outside of Nashville. I've recently started learning kettlebell and wrote a post on it. I found your article "Pack the Shoulders for Protection and Power." Great explanation. I added a link to your post in my article.
My blog is and the post is called "Kettlebell Review"
Thanks for sharing!

Ashley Benson