Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ditch digging

Spent 2 days working on a sprinkler system. This involved digging lots of ditches, some of them through rock! Plenty of squatting and lifting. So, I took it easy today.

5 reps Clean & Press (C&P) with 53lb KB Each Side (ES)
5 reps Punch ups with 53lb KB ES
4 reps C&P with 53lb KB ES
4 reps Punch ups with 53lb KB ES
3 reps C&P with 53lb KB ES
3 reps Punch ups with 53lb KB ES

2 reps C&P with 53lb KB ES
2 reps Punch ups with 53lb KB ES

1 reps C&P with 53lb KB ES
1 reps Punch ups with 53lb KB ES

Finished with ab work

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday's Workout

3 pullups Bodyweight only
3 reps Clean & Press (C&P) 44lb KB each side (ES)
5 reps pushups

3 pullups w/ 9lb weight on foot
3 reps Seesaw press 2-44lb KBs
2 reps overloaded pushups ES

3 pullups w/ 13lb weight on foot
3 reps Seesaw press 2-53lb KBs
2 reps overloaded pushups ES

3 pullups w/ 18b weight on foot
3 reps Seesaw press 2-53lb KBs
2 reps overloaded pushups ES

pistol work

30 reps Swings w/ 44lb KB
30 reps Cleans w/ 44lb KB
30 reps Snatches w/ 44lb KB
30 reps Swings w/ 44lb KB
30 reps Cleans w/ 44lb KB

Finished with "Counter-Actives"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday's workout

1 Bodyweight (BW) Pullup
1 Military Press (MP) each side (ES) with 35lb KB

2 BW Pullups
1 Clean & Press (C&P) ES with 53lb KB

3 BW Pullups
1 C&P ES with 62lb KB

4 BW Pullups
2 C&P ES with 62lb KB

5 BW Pullups
1 Pullup w/ 18lb KB on foot
3 C&P ES with 62lb KB
2 Pullups with 18lb KB on foot

40 up & downs (various speeds)
5 swings ES 44lb KB
5 cleans ES 44lb KB
3 C&P ES 44lb KB
5 snatches ES 44lb KB

5 swings ES 44lb KB
5 cleans ES 44lb KB

5 swings ES 44lb KB
3 C&P ES 44lb KB

5 swings ES 44lb KB
5 snatches ES 44lb KB

5 mins of Clean & Jerk with 44lb KB (41 reps)

Finished with splits flexibility training.

Friday's workout

Based on sets of 5 reps...

5 reps Military Press (MP) 35lb KB each side (ES)
5 reps 1-KB Rows 35lb KB ES
5 reps Lying press 35lb KB ES
5 reps Sumo Deadlift (DL) 53lb KB

5 reps MP 44lb KB each side
5 reps 1-KB Rows 53lb KB ES
5 reps Lying Press 53lb KB ES
5 reps Sumo DL 106lb KB

5 reps MP 53lb KB each side
5 reps 1-KB Rows 62lb KB ES
5 reps Lying Press 62lb KB ES
5 reps Sumo DL 124lb KB

5 reps MP 53lb KB each side
5 reps 1-KB Rows 70lb KB ES
5 reps Lying Press 70lb KB ES
5 reps Sumo DL 150lb KB

5 reps MP 53lb KB each side
5 reps 1-KB Rows 70lb KB ES
5 reps Lying Press 70lb KB ES
5 reps Sumo DL 150lb KB

Finished with 100 snatches in 5 mins with 44lb KB

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday's Fun

started slowly with 30 sec rope work, some knee work, and mobility work.

3 pullups - BW only
Bent Press 3 reps 53lb KB ES (each side)
assisted pistols 3 reps ES

pullups 5 reps w/ 4kg KB on foot

Bent Press
1 rep ES 62lb KB
1 rep ES 70lb KB
1 rep ES 80lb KB
1 rep ES 88lb KB

assisted pistols 3 reps ES

pullups 4 reps w/ 4kg KB on foot

Bent Press
2 reps ES 62lb KB
1 rep ES 70lb KB
1 rep ES 80lb KB

assisted pistols 3 reps ES

pullups 3 reps w/ 4kg KB on foot

Bent Press

1 rep ES 62lb KB
2 reps ES 70lb KB
1 rep 80lb KB (right side only)

assisted pistols 3 reps ES

pullups 3 reps w/ 4kg KB on foot
pullups 2 reps w/ 4kg KB on foot, chain on other foot

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Workout

Worked out with class this morning. Focus on pullups, pushups, deadlifts, and presses. Also continued to refine the "Counter-Actives".

pullups: 3 + 5 + 4 + 4 (BW only with variations)
presses: 3 reps 35lb KB ES, 5 reps 53lb KB ES, 3 reps 62lb KB ES
deadlifts: 5 reps 35lb KB, 5 reps 53lb KB, 5 reps 106lb KB, 5 reps 206lb KB

high intensity cleans: 5 reps ES 53lb KB, 5 reps ES 62lb KB, 5 reps ES 70lb KB, 5 reps ES 53lb KB, 5 reps ES 80lb KB, 5 reps 35lb KB, 5 reps ES 88lb KB, 1 rep ES 106lb KB

started and ended with 'Counter-Actives'

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Week - Tuesday

Yesterday, worked outside digging holes and mixing concrete. Nice exercise!

Today, resumed the pullup program, the bent press practice, and continued to review/refine the "Counter-Actives" mobility routine.

3 pullups - bodyweight only
3 Bent Presses ES - 53lb KB
30 sec Rope work

5 pullups - with 4kg KB on foot (this really changes the form)
3 Bent Presses ES - 70lb KB
1 min Rope work

4 pullups - with 4kg KB on foot
3 Bent Presses ES - 70lb KB
1.5 min Rope work

3 pullups - with 4kg KB on foot
3 Bent Presses ES - 70lb KB
2 min Rope work

2 pullups - with 4kg KB on foot
3 Bent Presses ES - 70lb KB

1 pullup - with 4kg KB on one foot, chain on other
1 Bent Press ES - 80lb KB

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Daily Mobility

Working on a new set of daily mobility drills. These are specifically designed as an antidote to society's dysfunction.

Pullups: 2 no weight, 3 w/ 13lbs, 3 w/ 13lbs, 3 w/ 13lbs

Bent Press: 3 x 53lbs ES, 3 x 53lbs

Labor Day

Held a mini-clinic on mobility exercises. Featured exercises:
1. saucer drill
2. the reed
3. floating roll
4. knee swap drill
5. up and downs.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Weekly Plan - Friday

Worked out with class.

Military Press: performed ladders
3+2+1 ES with 44lb KB
4+3+2+1 ES with 44lb KB
5+4+3+2+1 ES with 44lb KB
4+3+2+1 ES with 44lb KB
3+2+1 ES with 44lb KB

Same sequence as above with rows.

Pushups (various positions) 3+5+8+10+8+5+3

Sumo Deadlifts: 124lb KB - 3+5+8+10+8+5+3

Lunge & Getup Practice
Finished with 2 mins Plank

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Weekly Plan - Thursday

Pullups: 5+5+5+5

Bent Press: 3 x 53lbs ES,3 x 53lbs ES, 3 x 70lbs ES

Rope work: 30 sec, 1 min, 1.5 mins

Continued practice of Lizard Crawl

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weekly Plan - Wednesday

Varied the pullup work:
2 reps - BW
2 reps - BW + 13lbs
1 rep - BW + 26lbs
2 reps - BW
2 reps - BW + 18lbs
1 rep - BW + 35lbs

Lots of Z work on lunges/getups

Tae Kwon DO

Knee rehab work