Friday, July 31, 2009

Regular Class

Regular class at 6:00 a.m.

Finished with an interesting ballistic set:

At the top of the minute we did
1H Snatch 16 reps (first 4 minutes)
1H Swings 20 reps (last 10 minutes)

total 64 snatches and 200 swings in 14 mins with 53 lb bell.

Finished up with ab wheel work.

Total time: 1 hr

Thursday, July 30, 2009

More Video & TKD

Didn't post yesterday. But it was an active day:
Morning workout at 6:00 a.m. - Primarily strength work. Heavy presses, deadlifts, and punch-ups. Finished with some high intensity swings. Total time: 1 hr.

Evening: Continued filming the beginner's workout video. Workout #2. It is a bit longer than I would have hoped at 42 mins.

Today: TKD practice. Total time 45 mins.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More TKD

Didn't post yesterday. But, did a regular class in the morning:
20 min mobility
strength training: pullups, presses
swings for ballistics/cardio

Total time 1 hr:

This morning TKD practice with rope climbing:
total time 30 mins

Saturday, July 25, 2009


David, Miriam and I did a Level 1 Workshop

I did the intro mobility, the Getup, the Clean & Press, and the Extreme Stretching at the end.

As usual, it was a demanding but wonderful experience.
Total time: 5 hrs

Friday, July 24, 2009

DVD Filming

Last night worked on new Level 1 Workout DVD. Videotaped a 30 minute workout with a 35 lb kettlebell.

This morning: regular class.
Did the Volume Workout #1 with 20,000 lbs. I didn't want to go too heavy. Tomorrow we have a Level 1 workshop and I want to be fresh.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pullups again

Last night reviewed Disk 1 of the R-phase Z-Health program. Very similar to the stuff I learned years ago from Steve Maxwell. I will keep an open mind. I am going to R-Phase certification in a couple of weeks.

Lower back is complaining today.

High kicks
2 BW Pullups
High kicks
2 Pullups BW + 5lbs
High kicks
5 Pullups BW + 5 lbs
Blocks & Punches
4 Pullups BW + 5 lbs
Deadlift 106 lbs x 10 reps
3 pullups BW + 5 lbs
Kick/Punch speed drills
Deadlift 150 lbs x 5 reps
2 pullups BW + 5 lbs
Deadlift 206 lbs x 5 reps
Press 1 x 44 lbs (each side)
Press 1 x 53 lbs (each side with #1 Gripper)
Press 1 x 62 lbs (each side with #1 Gripper)
Arm Bar & Thoracic mobility work

Total Time: 1 hr

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Regular Class

15 min mobility work
Added specific foot work for one student

Workout focused on
Clean & Press
& Pullups

Right shoulder is still getting better. Pressed the 28kg several times.

Snatches: 20 per side with 24kg
Swings: 20 per min for 6 minutes (24kg for 1st 4 min, 28kg for last 2 min)

finished with 2 mins plank
and thoracic stretches

Total time 1hr

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I am in training for another Tae Kwon Do belt test. (This is an interim test for 7th Dan). I want to continue improving my pullups.

pullup 1 rep at BW + 18 lbs
pullup 1 rep at BW + 13 lbs
pullup 3 reps at BW
pullup 3 reps at BW + 10 lbs
pullup 4 reps at BW + 10 lbs
pullup 2 reps at BW + 15 lbs
pullup 1 rep at BW + 25 lbs
pullup 5 reps at BW + 5 lbs
pullup 5 reps at BW

mixed in with the above is TKD practice + mobility practice + stretching
total time 45 minutes

Based on today's work, I will start Pavel's pullup program with 5RM bodyweight + 5 lbs

Monday, July 20, 2009

I am back

Sorry I have been away so long. Short version is I hurt my shoulder badly trying to achieve VERY heavy bent presses. (Okay, I am a slow learner). Do what I say and not what I do. DO NOT GET HURT!

Today: taught morning KB class. 15 minutes of joint mobility. 30 minutes of light kettlebell work (16 kg bell). 15 minutes of stretching hamstrings, hip flexors, groin.

Reviewed "Secrets of the Shoulder" disk 1