Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring Swing

Started the 12-Week Spring Swing Program today!

Light Swings, Medium Snatches, Light Getups
Getups: 2 reps ES BW
Swings: 2 sets 10 reps 2-Hand + 35# KB
Snatches: 10 reps ES 35# KB

Getups: 3 reps ES BW
Swings: 3 sets (5 reps ES + 44# KB)
Snatches: 3 sets (15 reps ES @15 RPM + 44# KB)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Hill

Today the class (and I) did a new 360 Hill workout.

This involves using a 53# KB and doing 360 swings in a hill pattern:
Intermixed with this was a bunch of mobility and core strengthening drills.

Friday, May 20, 2011

variety cardio

We are about to begin the 12-Week Spring Swing program. So, I thought some variety was in order today.

We started with 1-leg Deadlifts with very light weights (sets of 3 reps ES) and proceeded to heavy sumo-style deadlifts (sets of 5 reps).

The cardio routine was:

5 reps 1-Hand KB Swing Left Side
5 reps 1-Hand KB Swing Right Side
5 reps KB Curl
1 rep ES Up & Down

5 reps ES Clean & Press
5 reps ES KB Rows
1 rep ES Up & Down

5 reps ES Snatch
5 reps Each way Halo
1 rep ES Up & Down

We did 4 sets of this without rest. I used a 35lb KB but it was too light for much cardio.

We finished with some ab work - plank on a swiss ball. Cool!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Worked on Counter-Actives Videos

3 reps Pullups BW
Jump Rope Video
1 rep ES Bent Press 44# KB
5 reps Pushups

3 reps Pullups w/ 13# KB on foot
pistol training
1 rep ES Bent Press 53#
1 rep ES 1-Arm Pushup

3 reps Pullups w/ 18# KB on foot
1 rep ES Bent Press 62#
1 rep ES 1-Arm Pushup

3 reps Pullups w/ 22# KB on foot
1 rep ES Bent Press 70# KB
1 rep ES 1-Arm Pushup

1 rep ES Bent Press 80# KB
1 rep rope climb

5 reps ES 1-Hand Swings 53# KB
5 reps ES 1-Hand Swings 62# KB
5 reps ES 1-Hand Swings 70# KB
5 reps ES 1-Hand Swings 80# KB
5 reps ES 1-Hand Swings 88# KB

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

KB 300

Usual Z-Health work prior to class.

Worked out with class. We did 4 rounds of the KB 300. This routine has LOTS of snatches and getups.

Finished with ab work and 2 mins plank

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In Between

Tuesdays and Thursdays are my "in between" days. So, I usually go light and do something different.

10 mins tennis ball juggling practice
5 mins rope jumping practice
3 reps pullups BW (Bodyweight)

Clean & Press ladders 1+2+3 reps ES 53# KB (Total 12 clean & presses)

Windmills (1 up / 1 down) 3 reps ES 2x35# KB

Pullups 5 reps + 13#KB

C & P ladders 1+2 reps ES 62# KB (Total 6 clean & presses)

Windmills (1 up / 1 down) 3 reps ES 2x53# KB

Pullups 5 reps + 13#KB

Bent Press Ladder
1 rep ES 35# KB
1 rep ES 53# KB
1 rep ES 70# KB