Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pullups again

Last night reviewed Disk 1 of the R-phase Z-Health program. Very similar to the stuff I learned years ago from Steve Maxwell. I will keep an open mind. I am going to R-Phase certification in a couple of weeks.

Lower back is complaining today.

High kicks
2 BW Pullups
High kicks
2 Pullups BW + 5lbs
High kicks
5 Pullups BW + 5 lbs
Blocks & Punches
4 Pullups BW + 5 lbs
Deadlift 106 lbs x 10 reps
3 pullups BW + 5 lbs
Kick/Punch speed drills
Deadlift 150 lbs x 5 reps
2 pullups BW + 5 lbs
Deadlift 206 lbs x 5 reps
Press 1 x 44 lbs (each side)
Press 1 x 53 lbs (each side with #1 Gripper)
Press 1 x 62 lbs (each side with #1 Gripper)
Arm Bar & Thoracic mobility work

Total Time: 1 hr

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